Bronze Duo,1990, 10" X 12.5"X 7"
(Separately: Woman: 8.5 X 3 X 2.5, Man: 2.5 X 7.5 X 3)
Two on the Beach (disrobing), 1990, 6" X 6.5" X 2"
(or separately: 6" X 2" X 1.25" & 6.5" X 2" X 1.25")
Small Couple on the Beach, 1998, 5" X 4" X 4"
Two Waiting 1989, 12.5" X 12" X 9"
Descent 1999, 63" X 14" X 12" (includes metal pedestal)
Girl on Beach, 1990, 7" X 2" X 2"